Noize MC – Молчанка (Quiet Game) Lyrics
[Текст песни «Молчанка»]
[Куплет 1]
Не беси меня, мой ангел
Не буди во мне чертей
Поиграй со мной в молчанку
Обойдёмся без плетей-ей-ей
У тебя так грязно в клетке
Кровь на перьях запеклась
Вот от боли полтаблетки
Обезболивайся всласть
Измельчала до огарка
Сострадания свеча
И больше ты не будешь каркать
Из-за правого плеча
Поиграй со мной в молчанку
Обойдёмся без плетей
Не беси меня, мой ангел
Не буди во мне чертей
[Куплет 2]
Все твои давно улетели ввысь
Тушки свои спрятав за облака
И свысока на нас теперь смотрят вниз:
Мы для них — херувимов окорока
Их пальцы меткие укажут, кто виноват
Они знают на зубок своё ремесло
И, нимбами светя в сотню киловатт
Стройным хором в унисон осуждают зло
Если бы я мог, я б их всех загнал
В звукоизолированный подвал
И тебя бы тоже отправил к ним
Но пока никак — посиди один
Только не мешай мне спать, шелестя крылом
И о моих грехах речь не заводи
Брат мой во хлысте, не шути с кнутом
Ангел мой, чертей во мне не буди
Измельчала до огарка
Сострадания свеча
И больше ты не будешь каркать
Из-за правого плеча
Поиграй со мной в молчанку
Обойдёмся без плетей
Не беси меня, мой ангел
Не буди во мне чертей[Гитарное соло]
Не буди во мне чертей
Не беси меня, мой ангел
Не буди во мне чертей
[Инструментальное аутро]
Молчанка (Quiet Game) by Noize MC
“Молчанка (Quiet Game)” is a thought-provoking song by Russian artist Noize MC, featured on his album “Не все дома (Not All There)” released in 2011. The track delves into the complexities of human emotions and the struggle for inner peace.
Quick summary
The song explores themes of inner conflict, the desire for silence amidst chaos, and the struggle against external pressures, reflecting a deep yearning for tranquility and self-reflection.
In-depth lyrics analysis
The lyrics of “Молчанка (Quiet Game)” present a vivid exploration of the narrator’s internal struggles. The opening lines, “Не беси меня, мой ангел / Не буди во мне чертей” (“Don’t irritate me, my angel / Don’t awaken the demons within me”), set the tone for the song, establishing a dialogue with a metaphorical angel. This angel represents a guiding force, yet the narrator fears that awakening the darker aspects of his psyche will lead to chaos and turmoil. The plea for silence, encapsulated in the repeated invitation to play a ‘quiet game,’ signifies a desire to retreat from the noise of the world and the judgment of others.
The imagery of a “dirty cage” and “blood on feathers” evokes a sense of confinement and suffering. The cage symbolizes the constraints imposed by society and the internal battles that ensue. The mention of pain and the metaphor of a candle burning down to a stub illustrate the diminishing compassion and the weight of emotional burdens. The candle, often a symbol of hope and light, here represents the fading ability to cope with pain, suggesting that the narrator is reaching a breaking point.
As the song progresses, the narrator reflects on the judgment from those who have ascended to a higher status, described as looking down from the clouds. This perspective highlights the disconnect between the narrator’s struggles and the perceived indifference of those in power. The line “Мы для них — херувимов окорока” (“We are for them — the legs of cherubs”) is particularly striking, as it underscores the objectification and dehumanization felt by the narrator. The angels, who should symbolize protection and guidance, instead become figures of judgment, further complicating the narrator’s emotional landscape.
The repeated refrain, “Не буди во мне чертей” (“Don’t awaken the demons within me”), serves as a mantra throughout the song, emphasizing the narrator’s desperate need for peace and solitude. The desire to avoid conflict is palpable, as the narrator expresses a wish to isolate those who judge him, suggesting a longing for a world where he can exist without external pressures. The closing lines reiterate this plea, reinforcing the theme of inner turmoil and the quest for tranquility amidst chaos.
Overall, “Молчанка (Quiet Game)” is a poignant reflection on the complexities of human emotion, the struggle against societal expectations, and the yearning for silence and self-reflection. The song’s dark and introspective mood resonates with listeners who may find themselves grappling with similar feelings of frustration and the desire for peace.